Friday, December 9, 2011

6th-8th grade Students

All syllabi need to be turned in and signed by this Monday.  If they are not turned in an after school detention will be assigned. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Welcome Second Trimester Students

It is hard to believe the second trimester is here.  I am looking forward to working with the second trimester students and what creative projects they will create.  Please take the time to check the blog each week for updates to the weekly agenda and important information regarding projects.

We welcome the new addition of the 6th grade art II sculpture class.  Students will be exposed to various papier-mâché sculpture forms.  The art room is in need of the following items:  newspaper, paper towel tubes, wire hangers, magazines, craft paint, glitter, feathers, and beads.  Any items you can donate would be greatly appreciated!  Please drop items off to room 34.

6th grade art I classes will need a plastic bag by Friday Dec. 9th.  We will start the trimester learning about Pueblo style coil pottery.

7th and 8th grade students will begin creating portfolios in the theme of:  "Names as Objects of Interest".  Students will begin final designs by the end of the week and complete portfolio side 1 by the following Thursday.  Portfolio side 2 follows the same theme and rubric.  This will be worked on whenever students are finished with projects before the due dates, at home, and during advisory homework days.  Students are expected to finish side 2 before the six week progress report goes out.  More information about the exact due date will be posted at a later date.