Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March/April Administration Display

Art will be on display at the Sparta administration office for the months of March and April.  Congratulations to the student artists for creating amazing works of arts.  I am very impressed by their creativity and level of talent.  

Parents you can view your child's artwork at the school board meeting this Monday March 13 at 6:30 pm.  Come and see your child's artwork and hear about the exciting things going on at the Middle School. 

Abriel Reister

Zoe Allan

Grace Emmorey

Lindsey DelCastillo

Chaleigh Kutzli

Emma VanOveren

Collin Kovach

Juliet Mejia

Brendan Morgan

Kyle Jackson

Darren Pinckney

Trinity Allen

Abigail Pindzia

Blake Olney

Adelle Gauthier

Andrew Scheid

Hannah Garcia

Gabby Latham

Joe Frazine

Dakota Newton

Gavin Ashley

Phoenix Keener

Aubri Shaffer

Jennifer McKay

Jocelyn Garza

Jenna Andersson

Skylar Bradford

Karlee Bunker

Isaiah Reister

Ben Woolin

Joe Roberts

Antonio Lamancusa

Eathen O'Connor

Jackson Jones

Addison Penland

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